Messages from the President

2023-2024 Academic Year

Message from the President

January 12, 2024

Greetings Golden Eagle Family,

Happy New Year! I hope you had a joyous holiday season with family and friends.

During the holidays, I had the opportunity to reflect upon my time with all of you as the interim president. What a special place Cal State LA is! I only knew it from afar based upon one prior gathering on the campus and my interactions with two of your past presidents, a few vice presidents, and some faculty and staff. But, after engaging in conversation with many of you, seeing you around campus in meetings and gatherings, watching our Golden Eagles’ athletics team soar and seeing Sergio Mendes in the Luckman Theatre, I gained a much better understanding about why this is a great university.

You—the staff, faculty and administrators—have a dedication and commitment to the success of our students and this university that runs very, very deep. You truly impressed me with your desire to serve to the best of your abilities to create a great learning environment for the success of our deserving students. Our alumni, including a number of you working here, are very proud of the education they received here and have been giving back to our university in many ways. And the community supporters and donors have played an integral role in assisting us to attain some of our hopes and dreams.

With the assistance of rehired annuitant Nancy Wada-McKee and a number of others, including administrators, faculty and staff, I hope we have succeeded in stabilizing and fortifying the organizational foundation of the university as I promised when I arrived five and one-half months ago. We accomplished a fair amount towards this end, but know that there is more that we wish could have been accomplished. I know that President Berenecea Johnson Eanes is well-positioned and prepared to do all that she can to take Cal State LA to greater heights. President Eanes is going to be a great leader and president at Cal State LA, and I look forward to seeing how far and high the Golden Eagles will soar with her and you working together.

I have been deeply honored to serve as your interim president. Your genuine warmth and welcoming attitude towards me are special and I greatly appreciated it throughout my brief tenure. I thank each and every one of you for making my time here at Cal State LA one of the highlights of my life.


Leroy M. Morishita


Message from the President

November 13, 2023

Dear Cal State LA Community:

As you may be aware, the CSU-Teamsters Local 2010 have announced plans for a one-day strike on our campus and other CSU universities on Nov. 14. CSU representatives and the Teamsters have not been able to reach an agreement through the collective bargaining process. While I remain hopeful that they will reach an agreement, I want to share with you some important information about a possible strike.

On our campus, the Teamsters represent skilled trade workers in Facilities Services, Housing and Residence Life, and the Department of Public Safety. They are electricians, carpenters, painters, plumbers, locksmiths, air conditioning/refrigeration mechanics, and other skilled trade workers who play crucial roles in maintaining our campus. We are grateful for the important work of these staff and their contributions to our University community.

Tomorrow, our University and all other CSU universities will remain open to students, faculty, staff, and the public. Classes will be held as usual. We anticipate that campus operations and administrative services will be available and scheduled events will be held. The strike should not interfere with students or other work on campus. However, please allow yourself extra time to get to class or work, in the event picketing causes traffic and other delays.

In the event of a strike, the CSU offers the following reminders:

  • No individual can be compelled to take a position on the strike
  • Those striking may not block or otherwise obstruct access to campus, campus services, or the classroom
  • There may be picket lines at the entrance to the campus. You may choose an entrance that does not have a picket line.

For more information, please visit our Labor Activities website.

We respect the rights of skilled trade workers to exercise their rights under their collective bargaining agreement, and we hope for an agreement in the days ahead. I ask that we all continue to do all that we can to help our community through this time. Our support for each other, especially during moments like this, is what defines our Golden Eagle family.


Leroy M. Morishita

Interim President


Message from the President

November 6, 2023

Dear Cal State LA Community:

We are jointly writing to express our deep concern and our great hope for our University as we engage with each other during this difficult time.

All of us—the University president, ASI president, and chair of the Academic Senate—recognize that tensions are high in parts of our community. This climate is fueled by a heartbreaking and brutal war in Gaza and Israel and a profound loss of life, repugnant graffiti found on our campus, and the overall deterioration in discourse that we see throughout our society.  We are concerned about the impact these events may have on you—our students, faculty, and staff. We care about those who may be experiencing grief, fear, hurt, worry, and other painful emotions, as well as those who may be concerned about safety.

We want to assure you that our community rejects: hate in all its forms; violence and calls for violence; and rhetoric that devalues the humanity of any people. Our Facilities Services staff have worked to quickly remove the recent graffiti, and our Department of Public Safety is investigating these incidents. The anti-LGBTQ message and political views of the person writing the graffiti do not reflect the views of our University. We stand with the LGBTQ community.

Our University respects freedom of speech as a crucial tenet of a healthy campus. Yet, we also recognize the responsibility that comes with that freedom. Upholding the values of respect and collegiality is equally central to the health of our community. We can exercise these values, even when we fundamentally disagree with each other. We know there are differing views on the war in the Middle East. But the language of bullying, hate speech, and othering—on a wall or in conversation—tears at the rich fabric that is our community. Our guiding principles of equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging, as well as our student handbook, outline our values.

As students, faculty, and staff, we can all contribute to the well-being of our community. Our hope is that each of us will help maintain our University as a place of compassion and respect.

Please visit our resource page for a list of campus services and assistance that may be helpful at this time.


Leroy M. Morishita, Ed.D.

Interim President


Andre Avramchuk, Ph.D.

Chair, Academic Senate


Yahir Flores

Associated Students, Inc., President

Message from the President

October 11, 2023

Dear Golden Eagle Family:

We have all seen the images from Israel and Gaza: of slaughter, kidnappings, air raids and blockades; of grieving families, and unfathomable pain.

Bearing witness to suffering draws us near to it, holds us close, and multiplies the deep hurt.

I am writing to you because I know the horrific events of the past week have left many of us with a wellspring of emotions. I care about our community and how we process this tragedy, as individuals and as a collective. My heart goes out to our friends and colleagues who are mourning the killing or wounding of loved ones who live in the region.

I encourage you to do what our community has done in the past: take care of each other; check in on those you love; and if you or someone you know is struggling and needs to talk, please know that resources are available for students through Counseling and Psychological Services and employees through the Employee Assistance Program, LifeMatters, by calling 1-800-367-7474 or visiting the LifeMatters website. Cal State LA’s company password is GOEAGLES.

In the days ahead, we will continue to hear more about the events unfolding in the region. A wide gulf divides the warring sides, and in public discourse there is a range of perspectives on the history and politics of the region. Cal State LA is a community of scholars and learners and I encourage you to continue to stay informed by reading and joining discussions, and through community service events.

This is a difficult time for many, but our community will come together, and we will stand together, with the utmost respect, compassion, empathy, and care for each other.

Let us hope for peace in the region and an end to all violence.


Leroy M. Morishita

Interim President

Meet our incoming president

September 29, 2023

Interim President Leroy M. Morishita cordially invites you to a reception for Incoming President Berenecea Johnson Eanes.

The reception will be held on Tuesday, October 3, from 9 to 10:30 a.m., on the Luckman Street of the Arts. Coffee and pastries will be served.

Everyone is invited to meet and greet our next president.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Welcome to Fall 2023

August 29, 2023

Dear Golden Eagle Family:

Welcome to fall semester 2023! Please watch the video below for a message from Interim President Leroy M. Morishita.

Interim President Leroy Morishita


Classes, in-person work to resume Tuesday

August 21, 2023

Dear Golden Eagle Family:

We have all had an extraordinary weekend. I hope you and your loved ones are well and safe.   

Tropical Storm Hilary set rainfall records, flooded roadways, and downed trees; and yesterday’s 5.1 earthquake rattled those who felt it.

Our decision early yesterday to cancel classes and transition to remote work for today was rooted in our concern for and commitment to you. With that same commitment, we are returning to our normal schedule tomorrow. On Tuesday, August 22, classes will be held in person as scheduled and employees should return to campus for in-person work.

In communities across Southern California, the arduous task of assessing damage, cleaning up, and recovery is now taking place. Our assessment has confirmed that campus is safe for our community, and we can resume our normal operations.

I want to update you on conditions at Cal State LA. Our Facilities staff and Public Safety officers have been out since early this morning, surveying campus. Our teams are also at work correcting issues caused by the storm.

The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power is working to repair a transformer that will restore power to the Golden Eagle Apartments, the Television, Film and Media Center, and Parking Structure D, near the center. Power is expected to be restored by the end of Monday. A downed tree off campus is believed to have caused the outage.

Small pools of water inside a few buildings and parking structures are being removed. And staff are continuing to check buildings and make repairs.

I assure you that our campus is ready to return to our regular work and study schedules. I recognize that students, staff, and faculty may live in communities that faced an even greater impact from the storm. Hazardous conditions may still exist. Please continue to stay safe in the aftermath of the storm.

I am grateful for the ways Cal State LA pulled together as a community to plan, prepare, and keep each other safe. Thank you to all of our employees who went the extra mile to ensure the safety of our community and campus. And thank you to every one of you for doing what needed to be done.

Cal State LA is a strong community, and we showed our strength this weekend.


Leroy M. Morishita

Interim President

Changes to University operations Monday due to storm

August 20, 2023

Dear Cal State LA Community:

Out of an abundance of caution, Cal State LA is making important scheduling changes for Monday. We are taking the following actions for the health and safety of our community during Tropical Storm Hilary. 

Classes will be canceled on Monday, August 21. This includes classes on our downtown Los Angeles campus. 

Faculty and staff should plan to work from home on Monday. Check in with your immediate supervisor for further instructions.  

Student services will not be offered in person on Monday, but are expected to resume on Tuesday. Students, please do not come to campus for matters such as financial aid or other services. Plan to handle these matters later in the week.  

University events and gatherings scheduled for Monday are canceled. 

The storm will bring intense rain, strong winds, the possibility of flash flooding, and other hazardous conditions. Governor Gavin Newsom has declared a state of emergency and city officials have asked residents to remain off the roads during the storm. After assessing the potential impact of Tropical Storm Hilary and other factors, the steps we are taking represent the safest course of action. 

While it is impossible to know with certainty what conditions will exist on Monday, my cabinet and I, along with other emergency response personnel, have decided to err on the side of caution. We recognize that the worst of the storm may have passed on Monday and the conditions on campus may be safe for our community. Our staff have been at work preparing our campus for the impact of the storm. However, our students and employees may still face hazardous conditions where they live or along their commute. For these reasons, we are canceling classes and transitioning to virtual work. Your safety is our priority. 

I encourage you to keep abreast of the latest developments and be aware of the safety advice provided regarding the storm. I’m sharing again the following information that should be useful to you: 

For the latest information about severe and inclement weather advisories, warnings, and updates, you can refer to the National Weather Service and the National Hurricane Center. You can also sign up to receive local alerts about emergencies. For the city of Los Angeles, sign up at Notify L.A. For other parts of L.A. County, you can find your city’s alert system sign-up at the Ready LA County website. You can find additional tips for preparing for storms from the Los Angeles Times.  

Please remain inside during the storm and stay safe. Cal State LA is a strong community and we will get through this together.  


Leroy M. Morishita 

Interim President 

Greetings from the Interim President

July 31, 2023

Dear Cal State LA Community:

I’m Leroy Morishita, and I am honored and pleased to serve as the interim president of Cal State LA beginning today.

The opportunity to join the Golden Eagle family, even for a brief time, was one that I could not pass up when the CSU Board of Trustees asked me to serve. I admire and respect the rich legacy of Cal State LA and look forward to working with you to continue your great success. 

I’ll serve as interim president until a permanent president takes office. As a former CSU president, I’m familiar with presidential transitions—and all that comes with them. I’m committed to working with you to ensure that Cal State LA remains strong through this period. Nancy Wada-McKee, Cal State LA’s former vice president for Student Life, will serve as chief of staff during my appointment.

As we approach the start of the semester, you'll hear more from me about what we can expect this fall.

I hope you’ll attend University Convocation on Aug. 17 in the Luckman Theatre. You can register online through August 14. As always, this will be a time to come together to hear updates about the University, greet new faculty, and congratulate the recipients of the President’s Distinguished Professor Award, Outstanding Professor Awards, and the Outstanding Lecturer Award. Of course, afterward there’ll be great music on the Luckman Street of the Arts, light refreshments, and time for fellowship before the new academic year starts.

I look forward to seeing you there. 


Best regards,

Leroy M. Morishita

Interim President

Reports on Title IX and Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation

July 17, 2023

We’re writing to inform you of two new independent reports that examine difficult issues in the California State University system and at individual campuses.   

Today, July 17, the Chancellor’s Office released the findings of a systemwide assessment of how we respond to reports and incidents of discrimination and harassment. Tomorrow, July 18, the California State Auditor will release a systemwide report on sexual harassment complaints involving executives, faculty, and staff.

We invite you to read the full assessment report on the CSU’s Commitment to Change website and on the Cal State LA’s President’s webpage. The summary report offers systemwide findings. A report on Cal State LA includes findings specific to our University. On May 24, at a meeting of the CSU Board of Trustees, the Cozen O’Connor law firm, presented an initial overview of their assessment. (View a recording of the presentation. The presentation begins at 23:15.)

A separate California State Auditor’s report will be available July 18 on the auditor’s website. The report examines sexual harassment systemwide and does not focus on Cal State LA.

As presidents of Cal State LA—one outgoing, one incoming as interim—we want to underscore the continuing significance of the issues explored in these reports. Maintaining a culture of respect, caring, and safety on campus is important for everyone in the Cal State LA community. In the months and years ahead, the University’s work in this area will be informed by the findings of the assessment and the audit, and our community’s ongoing commitment to making progress.

Cozen O’Connor began conducting its assessment in 2022. They conducted a three-day onsite campus visit from Nov. 29 through Dec. 1, 2022, as well as multiple virtual follow-up meetings. The University invited the campus community to participate in CSU’s Title IX Assessment survey in February 2023. We extend our gratitude to all who participated in the assessment.

The report being released today is based on a series of interviews, campus visits, survey results, and email feedback. Cozen O’Connor has identified core observations and recommendations at the system and university levels to help improve our Title IX and Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation (DHR) training, awareness, prevention, intervention, compliance, and support systems.

The Cal State LA report offers many recommendations, including key areas:

  • Elevating the presence of Title IX on our campus to ensure that students, faculty, and staff are aware of the office, the many resources it offers, and how to access them.
  • Reviewing the structure of and staffing for the Title IX office with the goal of ensuring there is sufficient staffing and resources to meet our University’s needs.
  • Expanding training for University teams through workshops, presentations and other programming that contributes to a culture of awareness and understanding.

Earlier this year, the University created an implementation team, including a broad cross-section of campus stakeholders, tasked with addressing the recommendations. The team includes: Mariel Mulet, Title IX officer; Queen King, interim vice president for administration and chief financial officer; Susie Varela, associate vice president, Human Resources Management; Kris Bezdecny, chair, Academic Senate; Demetrus Caldwell, deputy Title IX coordinator in athletics; and Yahir A. Flores, president, Associated Students, Inc.

We look forward to continuing our review of the findings and considering recommended changes. Everyone in our community can play a role in maintaining a campus climate of respect and caring. We’ll continue to keep our community informed and updated.


William A. Covino



Leroy M. Morishita

Interim President